We are often charmed by the mistaken words of children who mangle new sounds or fall awkwardly as they try to take their first steps. Not so charming are the flubs and failures of older children—especially those called Democrats.

Here is the explanation. The long-awaited Iowa Caucuses descended on that great State yesterday (2/3/20). The Republican version, with a single candidate, Donald Trump, passed by the public quietly. Progressive, Democrat politics, with its polyglot, babbling team of desperate power seekers, was where the action was. As of the next morning, the results were not in. The reason: Democrats had arranged to report the individual caucus results by way of a high-tech app prepared by the Democrats themselves. The idea was to bring instant results to the news-hungry press awaiting the kickoff event of the next presidential election cycle.

The app and the backup provisions failed dramatically. Even the sycophantic left-wing press was left out to dry. The Progressives provided Conservatives with a dramatic metaphor illustrating the weakness in the idea that Progressive wisdom anticipates the future with brilliant plans. If only the rest of the world could understand their genius. Conservatism Bittersweet has compiled some of the internet comments generated after the Iowa fiasco. At last report, every candidate declared victory and is moving on to New Hampshire.

(All comments are original spelling and grammar)

Vote for me I’ll give ya free food housing school medical, the evil rich can paywe will force them to stay and pay pay pay   —Mystateisbroke.mmmm

Put a fork in the dem party, they’re done. LOL   —PamMar

Whole lotta Russian Trash posting here.   –MyNameisNoneOfYourBusiness

DemocRATS can’t run an impeachment, DemocRATS can’t run an election, and we should all make sure that DemocRATS can’t run the United States government.   –JeauxBleaux

Only the Dims cold make things worse by using technology.   –stillfree2

Bernie Sanders was correct iin saying that the Iowa Democrat Caucus would be a reflection of the 2020 Elections.    –DeBugsy338

Dems – “We have met the Russians, and they are us.”   —walawalabingbang

Once again, the dems prove that they are the best campaigners for Trump’s re-election.   –AlGoreinventedEverything

They should have let the Caucus-goers count themselves…   —LongDucDong

AND; If all else fails the alledged Democrat party has their elite “super-delegates” to rig their primary however they see fit. What a screwed-up party.   –JDJacobs

For the Republicans, Iowa really IS heaven.    –EaglesSBchamps

They are hoping JFK comes wandering out of a corn field.   –PhilSS014

Hillary’s IT people mravon619

The Dems can’t stand Bernie, it’s an all out internalized war within the party..good entertainment   —Momma’sLilSnowflake

Not that you need additional evidence, that Democrats are inept. However, marinate on this thought for awhile. The dems can not run a voting Caucus that they themselves deigned. Trump 2020   —-OutOfTheirSkulls

“It will take some time for the results.” Isn’t this what they told us about Obama Scare?   —IMINCHARGE165

For the Democrat establishment this is an outcome that is much worse than an outright Bernie victory. It reflects on the party as a whole! Ask yourself qui bono? That is why some rank and file Democrats this morning are asking Adam Schiff to investigate a potential Trump-Putin collusion to sabotage the Iowa Caucuses. No hacking necessary, the software had probably been tampered with before it was installed.   –nikolaus

Those darn Ukrainians, they are messing with our election process.  YRUsoPC

We’re not keeping score. All candidates will get a participation trophy!!   —BlahDeeBlah

“Don’t worry Iowans, we are rigging this as fast as we can” –IDP   —MacWatts

Ghose Russians, again..   –Loshonores

Anytime you want ANYTHING turned in a massive Charlie Foxtrot, hand it to the minority and poor-exploiting, dishonest talking points belching, divisive lie-fueled identity politics dependent DEMS.   –ChromeSteedRider

I don’t understand how the democrats can use a caucus instead of a full primary vote. Aren’t they the ones that are concerned that every vote counts? And isn’t a caucus just a few people voting for the rest of the citizens of Iowa?   —Statoil 

Paper Ballots…..THINK about it   —FightCensors

Now let us run the country say the Democrats.   –paramenides

You simply can not make this stuff up….take a good look America….when you vote democrat, you are voting to make America a third world Country…none for me thanks!   —Askmeno

Dems trying to rig another election   —captrob68

I smell BleachBit…..Clacald

LOL. This is why you don’t let the dems run the country. LOL. DonaldTrumpWON

Is Brenda Snipes counting the votes in Iowa? “Failing Together: should be the motto of the Dem party. The Democrat Party interfered in another election – their own, in Iowa. They did a better job voting in Iraq. TrumpIsLegend304

It doesn’t matter who votes ! It only matters who counts the votes !   —angrytaxpayer2

Pretty clear who will win in November. Hence the coup attempts.   –Emperor

The bottom line here, much like with the partisan impeachment campaign, is that in 2020 all Democrats are the losers.   –5326American

Shadow app developers “advanced progressive causes through innovative communications” worked for Obama and Clinton’s. What could go wrong?   —brother11

Next, AOC will be serving drinks at the bar in New Hampshire   —FightCensors

Well, Iowa used to be known for politics and hogs. Now, just hogs.   –BTodd

They even cheat against each other. Is there one competent, honest, and decent Dem? I’m still looking. C’monSense690

Calm down dems. You’ll get your results as soon as they know that Biden is the winner. Infidelophile

Democrats can’t even win their own rigged elections….–Beanomac169

Eventually they will find some missing ballots in Hillary’s car trunk   —viknat556

Are they re-distributing the votes?   —DisplayName075

This is great!!! LMAO Watching the Snakes start to eat each other.   –TomWorthley1703

They should have learned from Obama. On caucus day, you bus in supporters from Chicago giving you the option to tally the votes several days in advance and therefore put a stop to embarrassing count discrepancies. Now that is being efficient! (Yes, I know it is illegal, but it is only a problem when you get caught.”   —GoferBaroque644

President Trump will have more FLEXIBILITY after this re-election and the House switches back to the GOP   —TimeForAmerica2WakeUp

Looks like Trump won the democratic caucus.    –RussianCollusionHoax

The Democrat Caucus is an unmitigated disaster. Nothing works, just like they ran the Country. Remember the 5 Billion Dollar Obamacare Website, that should have cost 2% of that. The only Person that can claim a very big victory in Iowa last night is “Trump”   —Donald J. Trump

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