The United States is headed towards a crisis. Democrats, well versed in the art of treachery, have launched their own Jihad (holy war) against the duly and legally elected president of the United States. There Jihad is not much different from that of ISIS.

For they believe they have superior moral values and greater intellectual breadth than anyone else outside their elite bounds. They have determined that anything – no lie, no deception, no illegality – is unreasonable in their attempt to unseat the legally elected president. It has led the left-wing press (an unavoidable redundancy) to turn the truth upside down. It has led the lefty columnist Eugene Robinson to persecute the president and accuse him of having a persecution complex. It has, more recently [The Oregonian, 8/6/17], caused Ruth Marcus, another of the lefty press to accuse the president of “. . . a one-man assault on the rule of law.”

The topsy-turvy world of Ruth Marcus believes that, “Trump’s campaign and now his presidency have been an unceasing effort to demean the Constitution. From “fake news” to “so-called” judges, from his ill-considered travel ban to encouraging police officers’ roughing up of suspects, Trump is a one-man assault on the rule of law.”

Let us put aside the idea that Ms. Marcus looks past the obliteration of 33,000 subpoenaed emails by Hillary Clinton and the use of a private server, contrary to U. S. law, as well as many other questionable practices. Let us look past the support for illegal aliens, including criminals. (We don’t have enough already in this country). Let us look at the idea that President Trump, defending himself against the contrived, false charges of a Russian conspiracy is not allowed to voice his views because, why? Oh, he is not allowed to defend himself by exposing the methods of left-wing propaganda or the efforts of the deep state to undermine his presidency and by the “resistance” movement, which includes a left-wing establishment of judicial extremists who believe that they are the law, not the interpreters of the law.

For sure, President Trump does not play by the rules of understatement and pretense typical of all the players in Washington D. C. He has attracted the support of equally blunt and unpretentious thinkers among the working class as well as many fellow Republicans. He is not always right. But here is the difference, he is not undermining the process of selecting a president by political legerdemain and savage hatred by pretense. What is the proof of this? Before even his inauguration, his enemies called for his impeachment. There has been an unrelenting scream of hate speech built into nearly all the commentary about President Trump. The news operations of the establishment press have been non-stop in their unkind interpretations of Trump policy.

They did not pause to think about how President Obama’s policies “evolved” over time. In fact, before he accomplished anything, President Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize. The expectations of the press and the deep state were set from the beginning of both presidencies, and they became self-fulfilling.

The current president has been the victim of illegal acts, not the perpetrator of them. A conversation of General Michael Flynn was illegally leaked to the press, which was dutifully printed by the bearers of stolen words. Conversations with foreign leaders and President trump have also been leaked. More leaks have occurred from the current administrations than any others and some, if caught, will go to jail. The unrelenting sympathy for a Democrat congressperson shot by an imbalanced gunman compares to the disappearing coverage of Steve Scalise and a group of Republican congresspersons who were near victims of an assassination attempt. Let us hope that Steve Scalise and the other targets don’t have a persecution complex.

It is stating the obvious, that Ruth Marcus and a host of insiders have, to varying degrees, launched a political attack against the sitting President of the United States. This is politics. Politics can be rough, and that is not the complaint. The complaint is that the hypocrisy of the left has come to the point of stealing the election by the appointment of a special prosecutor by one of the witnesses involved in the complaint. The special prosecutor, a friend of the discredited former James Comey, has appointed a list of Democrat attorneys to aid him in his investigations. To President Trump, this is a set-up. They will find something illegal to accuse the president of doing. Ms. Marcus who reveres the Constitution, will drop her pretense of innocent until proven guilty, and announce an I-told-you-so victory, along with other deep state backers, and hound the president until he has been impeached. The people who did not see perjury in Bill Clinton as a high crime or misdemeanor will have the opportunity to remove the duly elected president for advocating for his people. If this scenario should enfold, the crisis will begin. The left may see a President Pense as a victory, but democracy will have failed. We shall not go beyond this point. But if this scenario is not chilling to citizens of the United States, then you are living in the Ruth Marcus fantasy world, that actions have no consequences, and the Newtonian rule that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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