Like a great beam of light, the Trump administration has revealed a great deal about the mischief of the Left in America. At the top of the list of revelatory events must be the suppression of normal economic activity and the effects of subdued economic development.


President Trump, freshly elected, but not in office yet, invigorated the economic juices of America by a few simple acts of kindness. His response to Obama economic suppression was to criticize American manufacturers who sent jobs to low cost foreign countries and to support the workers who had languished as a result. Some of the companies backed down and brought a few jobs back. The mere act of firmly supporting a growth economy galvanized his support and reinforced his image as an economic enforcer. That made his other promises even stronger He promised tax reform in the form of tax reductions. Additionally, he threatened strong measures against unfair trade practices by trading partners and he sent into retrograde bureaucratic regulatory expansion. In carrying out these policies as an elected President, the economic measures ignited a level of optimism that has led to staggering growth prospects.


Under the Obama Administration, the eight-year dark ages of minor league expansion growth hovered around 1%-2%. Under Trump, growth has been nearly substantially improved. Confidence, the one thing that economics has difficulty understanding when inputting data into their models, exploded and the country has enjoyed a massive growth of activity it hasn’t seen for many years. And now comes economic growth of 4.1% from the Trump Administration.


Meanwhile, the Democrats and other resisters, have seen their schemes and secret agendas revealed. Chief among these is the truth about economic suppression. Not only were they holding back in a lazy economic boat drifting wherever the current took them, but they were actively suppressing the economy. Why would they do such a thing?


Clearly a happy economic outcome works against the Left’s agenda. If the country is swimming in happy waters, they don’t need the socialist welfare state. If the American worker has a job, he/she probably has health insurance. How can you implement a health insurance program which forces people to buy insurance at a higher cost when they can get it as part of their workplace compensation? Dependency is their middle name. How do you force a single payer system on them when they have the goods in hand?

How do you create envy in a satisfied people by taxing “Cadillac policies”?


What President Trump has exposed is the scheme by which the Left in America chases its own tail. The worse the economy is, the better to impose more controlling regulation on the public, and as the economy grows worse, the perverse emphasis is to create more dependency on them in a never ending downward spiral.


Having been exposed by the Trump Administration, they now rely on lame arguments. They tell us they can create jobs, too, with a return to the environmental policies that suppressed economic wellbeing. Perhaps literally true, but obviously the net difference is not the same. They tell us we need them to bring in additional poor people to bolster an economy with low-wage labor. Ironically, the left tells the American people spot shortages of labor can be helped by admitting people illegally into the country when it was such illegal entries that suppressed wage growth in the first place.


If the confusions of the Left in this country could have produced more jobs, then why didn’t they produce more jobs. If they could have brought tears to the eyes of newly employed steel workers, why didn’t they. If they could produce more healthcare through the private enterprise system, why didn’t they. They know the answers. They would have exposed their own suppressive policies for what they are – a failure. As a result, they now have no policies for economic advancement. They chase their economic tail, yet they can never catch the truth of their actions.

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